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Queen Angela Gabriela Hernández talks to us about her resourcefulness and her dreams

Hello everyone my name is Angela Gabriela Hernández, I prefer to be called Gabriela. I’m from Colombia, and I am 28 years old and I’ll represent Colombia in the next edition of Miss Europe Continental 2025, but currently I live in Switzerland.

– You are very confident with your body, and I’m sure you always know what you want. What would you recommend to all those girls who find it difficult to accept themselves as they are?

Yes, I am very confident about my physical appearance because I spend a lot of time taking care of myself. I also dedicate time to encouraging other women to work on their self-esteem.I would like to tell you that self-love is a source of self-confidence. When we dedicate time to our health and our relationship with ourselves, it is easier to elevate our self-esteem, that is why I always invite you to prioritize time with yourself, taking care of your hair your nails, your skin your diet, including sports in your habits because it is something that no one else can do for you, when you dedicate time for yourself it is more easy to maintain your self-esteem and a good relationship with yourself. Accepting and loving yourself is the first step of happiness.

– Where do you get inspiration from to create your content on Instagram?

Currently my source of inspiration for creating content on my social networks is mental health and personal development, this field is the one in which I have trained in recent years as a motivator and entrepreneur to keep other women inspired. Also in my travels and lifestyle.

– We know that you are an entrepreneur of two clothing brands, where did your idea come from?

I am the owner of a clothing factory in Colombia, born six years ago. The first to create is a brand of lingerie that at the same time was elegant to represent my personality. The second brand was born in the middle of the pandemic, it is a sportswear brand where I make a open invitation to all people to create healthy habits in their lives. These two brands capture the two personalities the two parts of my life that I live day by day the sexuality and elegance and sport and health.

– Are you satisfied with the life you lead? Do you have other dreams in your drawer?

As time goes by I discover more about the world and things about myself that I am passionate about. I have visited many countries, I have achieved emotional economic goals but you can always learn more you can always enjoy more. I find myself finishing my university degree in international business and working in a personal development project to carry out in different countries, I am a woman multifunctional, I really like to learn and study so I know that each year brings new challenges for me, new learnings..Attend to Miss Europe Continental is once again the things that excite my life for 2025.

– Miss Europe Continental will be your first experience in the world of pageants. What do you hope to gain from participating?

Correct, it is the first time that I am going to be in a contest even if I was in the world of fashion for many years. I am really excited to live this experience, for me it will be wonderful to share with others incredible women these experiences with professionals.

– Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I see myself as an icon of personal health development, I see myself as source of inspiration in many countries for my journey and my personal work,
helping other women and other people in the field of personal development.
I see myself with all my dreams fulfilled.

– Thanks for your time Gabriela, the entire Miss Europe Continental team awaits you here in Italy.

Thank you too, see you soon!!
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